I seem to have reached the limit of my energy to improve my blog. Perhaps that's for the best! Now I'm gonna focus a bit on implementing a small Lean Coffee web app. Or mobile app. Not sure exactly. But it will be entirely self hosted and open source and free!

I seem to have reached the limit of my energy to improve my blog. Perhaps that's for the best! Now I'm gonna focus a bit on implementing a small Lean Coffee web app. Or mobile app. Not sure exactly. But it will be entirely self hosted and open source and free!

Maybe I'll call it something like MyCafe or something. You can host one or more "tables" and invite people to join in. Those tables have a persistent log of everything that was ever talked about.

Here's what I'm thinking for a possible tech stack if web-only:

  • Ripley for web stuff, both client and server
  • sqlite for persistence, using a simple CQRS pattern so we can change our minds if we need to
  • jetty9 so we can self-host SSL certs instantly
  • podman to containerize the whole thing so someone can download and run the server with a single command
  • SuperTokens for auth
  • LiveKit for embedded audio/video

Thankfully I can take the code from Coffee Time and reuse a lot of it, including the initial database schema, embedded video code, and so forth.

  • Stephen Castro-Starkey

    The new cafe app is coming along nicely. Just copied over the site config code from My Life and tweaked it a bit to correct some sins I've discovered. Next up: authentication! Earlier I wrote that I would try out SuperTokens . Sadly, I don't think...

  • Stephen Castro-Starkey

    Well, as I said yesterday , I tried to integrate Ripley . It didn't work. Very much needs to plug into internals I don't want to work with (like http-kit). So now I'm looking at Inertia , Unpoly , Twinspark , and htmx all thanks to this blog post ...