Doing some memory tuning to see how small of a droplet I can run the server in. Got it down to 192m. Performance was abysmal at 128m. Spent a lot of time garbage collecting.

✔ My Life Improvement

Doing some memory tuning to see how small of a droplet I can run the server in. Got it down to 192m. Performance was abysmal at 128m. Spent a lot of time garbage collecting.

Even with that small heap size, it appears the entire podman container takes up around 750m. That's still way too big for a 512m droplet.

Should I work to make it use less memory? That would likely require a complete rewrite. Or at least switching out the http server. Which could be a lot of fun or terrible. http-kit is supposedly very resource efficient. Trying to figure out if it can do SSL. Don't want people to have to fiddle with a proxy or anything else.

tags: mylife